
PAGE UPDATE, April 9, 2017: I have resumed my love of blogging after a respite during the harshest winter yet. Spring has fed me with renewed curiosity and love for creating. There is a medicine story here. The Safety Pin Cafe has reopened, and Vardo For Two has a new blog to celebrate her eighth birthday. Life is tidal, in and out it goes. I am grateful to keep living it as quirky and multiplicitous (I've made that word up!) as it is.

See you on the blog(s).

The beautiful imagery and movement of limu (seaweed) gathering at the water's edge is perfect for this website. After many years of blogging and writing medicine stories here and there with this and that  ... keia kela ... this website gathers all the blog posts and short tales.

This page links to the three main places I have written most often. They are the three-part hologram (listen to Manu Meyer speak of that hologram: Indigenous and Holistic ways of knowing) -- the body, mind and spirit projections of who I am. These blogs were usually factual chronicles of everyday happening and commentary on what I noticed when I was paying attention. Sometimes the essays may be things I noticed because I wasn't paying attention. Life is like that.

Vardo for Two 
My first blog recorded the process of building a small wheeled 'tiny home' on wheels. This blog exercised my creative expression with something new. While the effects and reality of a chronic and changing illness threw us for loop after loop, the regular practice of writing grounded me to something other than fright.

Makua o'o 
This blog was the space where the spiritual elements of my journey  needed to be expressed. Without it the physical reality of building a new life would be lopsided, incomplete. Most of my writing grew in branches and unexpected directions on this blog. While I kept track of what Pete and I were doing and learning in the building of the vardo, I wove in the inseparable spiritual dimension that began by paying attention.

The Safety Pin Cafe 
Born as a medicine story, a remedy for illness that would not be reached with a prescription, this blog was born in installments on Makua o'o, in a season "only a duck could love." Over time, the medicine story grew like coral, slowly, steadily forming a reef and then a small island. The blog grew into a physical space at South Whidbey Tilth where I could be involved with people in a mostly fragrance free setting once or twice a year. In that safety pinned world the lesson of service and story telling dispensed its simple and powerful medicine. The movement of common magic applies itself. An idea(l) began a safe place for people to gather and be fed literally and soulfully and oh what fun we had!

My other blogs
These blogs have specific content, and are a living space, though the frequency of posts may be irregular the message and the resources here could serve at a critical time. The links on both of the blogs below are particularly valuable.

Fragrance Free in '23 
I live with Environmental Illness, or MCS (Multiple Chemical Sensitivities). It's a tricky condition, an illness not readily 'embraced' if that is the word for accepting other illnesses like cancer or disabilities that require a wheel chair or prosthesis. The symptoms and expression of Environmental Illness is different from person to person, and different for each person on any given day. The additional element of trickiness for me and those who know what causes the illness? We human can stop causing the symptoms if we change the choices we make about buying and using chemicals and fragranced products. But most will not, so the Trickster lives and those of us who live with what our body know is true, and difficult? Well, we sort it as best we can on the good days, and are oppressed by the isolation that can sometimes find a way in making stories up. Until we just get tired of doing that.

This blog addresses three questions:

Why be fragrance free?
How to be fragrance free?
Which communities takes fragrance free seriously?

Count on the Moon

This blog began as a single online workshop to study and consider the many dimensions of the Hawaiian Moon Calendar. The first workshop grew into several more. We had a universe of knowledge to discover, and even more to forget to make space for what would come. There are things to discover on this blog. Dig deep for what's there and make that knowledge your own by paying attention and create a practice that means something.

Curious about the medicine stories? Go here.
Back to the Home page.
To read our Mo'okuauhau (Genealogy) go here

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